Minutes October 2014

Corrected and Approved

Minutes of the Racing Drivers Club (RDC) meeting held on October 16, 2014 in Oakland, California.

The following members were in attendance:

Rod Simmons, Acting President,  Newsletter Editor & SanF Board Member; Anthony Tabacco: Web Master, Scholarship Chair, SanF Board Member & Mentoring Chair; Dave Jalen, Secretary; Gary Corsiglia (via video conference call), RDC Points Chairman; Lois Leijdecker-Ott, newest addition to the RDC Board; Marcy Crawford, member; and Dave Allen, member.

Acting President Simmons called the meeting to order at 7:52 PM.

1)      A discussion ensued regarding the resignation of Fred Peterson, the previous President of the RDC

2)      Membership Report:  The current membership list is on a SD card that was written by a Mac.  Dave Allen will take the card and provide the Board with an up-dated list.

3)      Financial Report: The RDC currently has assets in the form of cash in a bank account.  A new signature card will be needed to access the bank account.  Currently Fred is on the signature card.  The new President, VP and Treasurer should be on the new signature card.

4)      Website Report: It was decided to change the RDC Newsletter to RDC Awards.  Lois volunteered to become the Newsletter Editor on January 1, 2015.

5)      Scholarship Report:  A request for candidates will be made.  It was decided to award one SFR Driver’s School scholarship for 2015.

6)      Membership Report: The membership process was discussed.  MotorSportReg is used by all SFR racers to enter SFR events.  RDC will use this site also.  Paper checks can also be accepted but it was decided PayPal was not needed.  It was mentioned that SFR AutoCrossers now enter paperlessly.

7)      Election of Officers for 2015 :  Seven members now on the Board of Directors (see above: Members in attendance)

  1. President: Marcy Crawford-moved by Dave Allen, seconded by Tony.  Unanimously approved.
  2. Vice-President: Dave Allen-moved by Dave J, seconded by Tony. Unanimously approved.
  3. Secretary:  No nominations at present.  We will post on the website.
  4. Treasurer: Lois Leijdecker-Ott-moved by Dave J and seconded by Rod.  Unanimously approved.
  5. Membership:  Rod-moved by Gary and seconded by Tony       Unanimously approved.
  6. Two members at large:

f.i.       Gary-moved by Rod and seconded by Tony.                Unanimously approved.

f.ii.      Tony-Moved by Rod and seconded by DaveJ.               Unanimously approved.

  1. Dave J is retiring from the RDC Board as of January 1, 2015 due to his expanded role in the Alameda County Dental Society as President-Elect in 2015.
  2. Tony is retiring/reducing his involvement in RDC.   He will continue to service the website until an IT person can be found to replace him.  He will post a request on the RDC webpage.
  3. Dave Allen was appointed as Mentoring Chair.  He will also Co-Chair membership as Rod wants to reduce his work load.  Rod plans to retire from the RDC Board in 2016.
  4. Marcy will be the Enduro Chair along with being the President.
  5. Gary will continue as RDC Points Chairman.

8)       Enduro Report:

  1. Supps: Item #30 Jim Rogaski approved the Iron Man concept.
  2. A Go/No Go entry number was discussed for the upcoming Enduro.  It was decided 20 entries would be the minimum two weeks prior to the scheduled date to hold this year’s Enduro.  Refunds would be given if the Enduro is cancelled.  If RDC members requested their RDC membership be refunded due to the cancellation, this would be granted.
  3. Only First place trophies/awards would be distributed this year.  This would be a 8” X 10” photo award.

9)      501 (C) 4 status is OK with respect to the State of California.

10)  Website:  A new IT person is needed to replace Tony.

11)  Raison d’entre: “More than the Enduro”

  1. Enduro.
  2. Drive arounds
  3. Mentoring drivers-to help slower guys get better.
  4. “Fight battles for drivers”.  This is in regards to drivers and SOM.  The RDC should enable drivers to drive and not worry about politics.  The RDC could “create solutions for drivers”.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 PM by acting President Rod Simmons.  Dave Jalen, Secretary, respectfully submits these minutes.

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